SEX TRAFFICKING. It's modern-day slavery. There’s no other way to put it.

But it’s not as hopeless as it seems. My name is Brian Steele, and for the last 15 years my wife and I’ve been committed to fighting for girls like Nia through our work at the Phoenix Dream Center.

Since 2006, we have been on the front lines doing all we can to share God’s love with those in desperate need and help rescue victims of sex trafficking. We work directly with the authorities to stop this catastrophic epidemic!

According to the U.S. State Department, as many as 14,000 to 17,000 young people are being brought into the country each year for this evil purpose… AND there are tens of thousands more from within the United States who are lured, kidnapped, drugged, and otherwise forced into the sex trade.

Before their lives have even begun, many young children are forced to endure horrors beyond imagination.

Make no mistake… this is not something that only happens in some distant part of the world. This nightmare exists here in our own backyard in Phoenix!

In fact, it’s been reported that our city might be one of the areas most impacted by this dark sinister enemy in the entire country.

For years, we at the Phoenix Dream Center have made an incredible impact in helping to rescue young women and girls as young as 16 trapped in human trafficking.

We firmly believe it’s not impossible for God to turn something that’s battered and broken around. It’s not too late for young girls like Sarah.

Sarah grew up in a home that consisted of an absent father and an abusive and alcoholic mother. Her mother would go to the bars almost every night. When she’d come home drunk, she’d tell her she was worthless and wouldn’t amount to anything.

One night, when Sarah was only 10 years old, her mother went to the bar and left Sarah at home alone with a man that she barely knew. This stranger did the unimaginable to her.

It disturbs me to even say it. But it was the tragic reality.

He held a knife to her throat and forced her to drink alcohol as he began touching her in sexually inappropriate ways.

Sarah spent the next fifteen years in foster care, addicted to drugs and trapped in sex trafficking and in and out of prison. It was there she found out about the Phoenix Dream Center and knew it was her last shot to change her life.

The day she walked through our doors is the day things finally started to turn around for Sarah.

“Today, when I wake up each morning, instead of reaching for a needle to put in my arm, I pray to God and thank Him for the second chance He’s given me. I have a dream and a vision for a better life. What an amazing God that we serve!” – Sarah

Every day, the Phoenix Dream Center is able to help rescue and restore more and more young women and girls just like Sarah.

But we need your help today. To do more, we need more…

More rooms, more beds and bedding, more baby supplies, more food, more educational material, more counseling services…more of everything required to help even one young woman or girl recover.

You can be a part of rescuing thousands of young women who are trapped in human trafficking. Many of them are just children. We know we can’t reach them all, but with your help, we WILL help rescue another one – and another one – and as many as we can!

Please join us today! A gift of even $5 or $10 can make an enormous impact!

Every dollar helps. Your gift today can help the Phoenix Dream Center rescue another young “Sarah” – another girl whose childhood has been stolen.

Brian D. Steele

Executive Director, Phoenix Dream Center

YES, I want to help rescue young women from the horrors of sex trafficking and share God’s love with those in need!

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You can be a part of rescuing thousands of young women who are trapped in human trafficking. Many of them are just children. We know we can’t reach them all, but with your help, we WILL help rescue another one – and another one – and as many as we can!