Find a need and fill it, find a hurt and heal it.

A Touch Of Hope

Every week, Hannah does a community engagement, and feeds the homeless… the addicts… the lost and forgotten in Phoenix.

“I used to be scared to touch them – you can tell that some of them haven’t showered in a LONG time,” Hannah says. “But when I’m out there, I can’t help but love them. They’re people, too.”

“Out there” is on Van Buren between 7th and 19th Avenues… a stretch of Phoenix known for its illicit activity and sizable homeless population.It’s definitely an area you don’t want to walk alone.

But for Hannah and her group that leaves from the Phoenix Dream Center – in rain or, more appropriately, in 110 degree heat – it is the perfect opportunity to minister the love of God to those who have lost all hope.

“I met a woman last week. She didn’t have any shoes,” Hannah recalls. “So I gave her mine. Her name was Suzanne and she started crying – not because of the shoes, but because no one had called her by her name in years.”
Can you imagine? Being so cast off from society that no one says your name for YEARS?? So many of the people we meet “out there” feel forgotten and unloved.

Hannah’s simple act of kindness gave Suzanne HOPE. Would you help us give hope to those who are homeless, who have been forgotten and who have forgotten what kindness feels like?

As of this moment, we are in desperate need of supplies for our community outreaches… outreaches like the one Hannah was on. We need food, bottles of water, hygiene products, and gas for our vehicles.

These items provide us with a means to be able to touch a life like Suzanne’s, to show her and so many others that they DO matter. It is VITAL that we, through our engagement, provide the homeless community with an opportunity to restore their lives through our Life Recovery Program.

No one deserves to be overlooked. Every soul is precious to God and is worth saving.

What an amazing story, I hope it touched  your hearts as Hannah touched Suzanne’s. You can be a part of changing lives everyday by volunteering with the Phoenix Dream Center or even just sharing this story. Thank you!

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