Digital fundraising costs money, usually in the form of a marketing budget. And, every dollar that is spent on marketing is a dollar that is not used directly to help human trafficking survivors heal and individuals recover their lives after addiction or homelessness.
Rather than investing all our resources in costly digital marketing, we partner with dedicated affiliates – a savvy group of ‘digital warriors’. These socially-active advocates help us raise awareness about our mission to support survivors of human trafficking, and those struggling with addiction or homelessness on their way back to recovery. By leveraging this power network we are able to achieve fundraising goals at far less cost than traditional online strategies – making every dollar count towards improving lives!
While partnering with affiliates is still a cost to the Phoenix Dream Center, the cost is much less through affiliates than through traditional digital marketing.
By partnering with affiliates, we save significant dollars that we would have spent on expensive software, advertising costs, website management, transactional fees, data tracking costs, and extra personnel to manage the digital fundraising efforts.
Affiliate rates are based on the savings that they have gained us instead of using traditional marketing and advertising costs.
Every dollar saved is a dollar that goes right back into helping human trafficking survivors heal and individuals recover their lives after addiction or homelessness.