Precautionary Measures Regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Updated on January 14th, 2022

As a recognized Arizona Essential Service Provider, the Phoenix Dream Center has decided to safely continue to serve all individuals, without discrimination to their current health condition, so long as our advising medical professionals deem it is safe for our campus to provide those services. 

Employee Flex-time Allowance

If you are an employee we advise that you take advantage of the flex-time allowance and work from home whenever and wherever possible. We especially encourage flex-time allowance for all employees who are themselves or have close contact with persons in the higher-risk categories. There will be no disruption to employee pay or to employee benefits during this time. Flex-time has been approved for all employees who are able to do so until Monday, February 28th, 2022. 


Off-site Residing Employee Precautionary Measures

All employees who reside off-site who do not take advantage of the flex-time allowance and must perform their job duties on campus must adhere to the following precautionary measures.

 All employees will be periodically screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that a temperature of 101 degrees and above should not be arriving to campus for work. Persons with temperatures of 101 and above will be asked to not arrive to campus for work. 

  • All off-site employees will be required to wear PPE in all common and open areas which will include masks and in some situations will include gloves. Gloves and masks will be provided but employees can also bring their own.
  • All off-site employees will be required to use proper personal sanitation including frequent hand washing, frequent use of hand sanitizer, and frequent use of sanitizer wipes.
  • All off-site employees will be required to adhere to social distancing including no physical contact and not lingering closer than 6’ between persons. 


On-site Residing  Employee Precautionary Measures

All employees who reside on-site who do not take advantage of the flex-time allowance and must perform their job duties on campus must adhere to the following precautionary measures.

 All employees will be periodically screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that a temperature of 101 degrees and above should not be arriving to campus for work. Persons with temperatures of 101 and above will be asked to not arrive to campus for work. 

  • Some on-site residing employees may be required to wear PPE in all common and open areas which will include masks and in some situations will include gloves. Gloves and masks will be provided but employees can also bring their own.
  • All on-site residing employees will be required to use proper personal sanitation including frequent hand washing, frequent use of hand sanitizer, and frequent use of sanitizer wipes.

At this time, the social services that we offer to the public are open. Please do not come for services if you are sick or have cold or flu-like symptoms. Along with social distancing, City of Phoenix mandates that you wear a mask or face shield. Masks are provided if you need one.


Volunteer Events On-site and Off-site

In addition to the postponing of the above-listed events, the following additional precautionary measures will be in effect for volunteer events, short-term mission events, and private meetings events.

  • At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that temperature over of 101 degrees and above should not be participating in volunteer events and so persons with temperatures of 101 and above will be asked to not participate in the event.
  •  At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be asked to wear PPE which will include masks and in some situations will include gloves. Gloves and masks will be provided but volunteers can also bring their own.
  • At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be asked to use proper personal sanitation including frequent hand washing, frequent use of hand sanitizer, and frequent use of sanitizer wipes.
  • At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be asked to adhere to social distancing including no physical contact and not lingering closer than 6’ between persons.


Residential Client Services

Residential services to clients will continue including the following precautionary measures.

  • All incoming residents will be screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that any persons with flu-like symptoms or temperatures of 101 degrees and above should be immediately isolated in one of the designated isolation rooms until our campus medical team can examine and clear them. A member of the campus medical team will determine if the person should be required to make a hospital visit. Any client can request a hospital visit at any time.
  • All current residents who present fever or flu-like symptoms will also be immediately isolated in one of the designated isolation rooms until our campus medical team can examine and clear them. A member of the campus medical team will determine if the person should be required to make a hospital visit. Any client can request a hospital visit at any time.


Suspected Cases Action Plan

In the event that a volunteer, employee or client has a suspected case of COVID-19 (fever 101 or over or flu-like symptoms) we require that the person take actions based on CDC recommendations or based on a medical provider who is familiar with their case. We have been told by our partner medical providers that this often includes self-isolating to one’s personal residence, limiting social interactions, wearing personal protective equipment and following all medically prescribed steps toward their recovery.

  • For volunteers and employees who reside off-site, we are requiring that you not come to PDC campus until you no longer have any sign of fever of 101 or above or flu-like symptoms. 
  • For volunteers, employees or clients who reside onsite, we are requiring that you self-isolate in your room or in one of the designated isolation rooms on campus. 
  • For volunteers and employees who reside off-site, we are requiring that you not come to PDC campus until you no longer have any sign of fever for flu-like symptoms. 
  • For volunteers, employees or clients who reside onsite, we are requiring that you self-isolate in your room or in one of the designated isolation rooms on campus. 


Confirmed Cases Action Plan

In the event that a volunteer, employee or client has a confirmed case of COVID-19 we require that the person take actions based on a medical provider who is familiar with their case. We have been told by our partner medical providers that this often includes self-isolating to one’s personal residence, limiting social interactions, wearing personal protective equipment and following all medically prescribed steps toward their recovery.

  • For volunteers and employees who reside off-site, we are requiring that you not come to PDC campus until a minimum of 14 days after your positive COVID-19 test result and after you no longer have fever or flu-like symptoms. You may be required to produce a negative test result or a release from your medical provider for return to your position at the Phoenix Dream Center.
  • For employees, volunteers and clients who reside on-site we are requiring that you remain in the designated allocation room until a  minimum of 14 days after your positive COVID-19 test result and until you no longer have fever or flu-like symptoms. During your time in the designated isolation room you will be required to follow all of the isolation rooms rules and regulations as established by the campus medical providers and the program leadership team. You may be required to produce a negative test result or a release from your medical provider for return to your position at the Phoenix Dream Center.


Privacy and Non-disclosure

Under advisement of our medical team and our legal services team, the Phoenix Dream Center has determined to restrain itself and its members from discussing names of individuals who have suspected or positive cases with anyone outside of the medical or select program leadership team.

The following is the only approved release of information regarding personal medical information.

“An individual person’s medical conditions are a private matter and our position is that it is inappropriate for us to discuss the medical conditions of any of our employees, volunteers or clients.”

The Phoenix Dream Center will further not tolerate or allow any of its employees, volunteers or clients to openly or publicly discuss the private medical conditions of any of its members or affiliates. Corrective action is authorized to be taken up to and including termination of employment, volunteer status or client services status.


Remediation Protocol

In the event that a person is confirmed to have COVID-19, the “COVID-19 PREVENTION: ENHANCED CLEANING AND DISINFECTION PROTOCOL” will be enacted. This plan includes at a minimum:

  • Daily sterilization of the public and office areas, work area or living quarters of the person.
  • Use of fog sterilization machine for outdoor and some public indoor services
  • The use of Perisox RTU on all surfaces in the affected area.
  • The use of Environmental Health and Safety Department protocols for cleanup.
  • The use of Environmental Health and Safety Department safety equipment for cleaning crews. 

Updated on July 30th, 2021

As a recognized Arizona Essential Service Provider, the Phoenix Dream Center has decided to safely continue to serve all individuals, without discrimination to their current health condition, so long as our advising medical professionals deem it is safe for our campus to provide those services. 

Employee Flex-time Allowance

If you are an employee we advise that you take advantage of the flex-time allowance and work from home whenever and wherever possible. We especially encourage flex-time allowance for all employees who are themselves or have close contact with persons in the higher-risk categories. There will be no disruption to employee pay or to employee benefits during this time. Flex-time has been approved for all employees who are able to do so until October 1st, 2021. 


Off-site Residing Employee Precautionary Measures

All employees who reside off-site who do not take advantage of the flex-time allowance and must perform their job duties on campus must adhere to the following precautionary measures.

 All employees will be periodically screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that a temperature of 101 degrees and above should not be arriving to campus for work. Persons with temperatures of 101 and above will be asked to not arrive to campus for work. 

  • All off-site employees will be required to wear PPE in all common and open areas which will include masks and in some situations will include gloves. Gloves and masks will be provided but employees can also bring their own.
  • All off-site employees will be required to use proper personal sanitation including frequent hand washing, frequent use of hand sanitizer, and frequent use of sanitizer wipes.
  • All off-site employees will be required to adhere to social distancing including no physical contact and not lingering closer than 6’ between persons. 


On-site Residing  Employee Precautionary Measures

All employees who reside on-site who do not take advantage of the flex-time allowance and must perform their job duties on campus must adhere to the following precautionary measures.

 All employees will be periodically screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that a temperature of 101 degrees and above should not be arriving to campus for work. Persons with temperatures of 101 and above will be asked to not arrive to campus for work. 

  • Some on-site residing employees may be required to wear PPE in all common and open areas which will include masks and in some situations will include gloves. Gloves and masks will be provided but employees can also bring their own.
  • All on-site residing employees will be required to use proper personal sanitation including frequent hand washing, frequent use of hand sanitizer, and frequent use of sanitizer wipes.

At this time, the social services that we offer to the public are open. Please do not come for services if you are sick or have cold or flu-like symptoms. Along with social distancing, City of Phoenix mandates that you wear a mask or face shield. Masks are provided if you need one.


Volunteer Events On-site and Off-site

In addition to the postponing of the above-listed events, the following additional precautionary measures will be in effect for volunteer events, short-term mission events, and private meetings events.

  • At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that temperature over of 101 degrees and above should not be participating in volunteer events and so persons with temperatures of 101 and above will be asked to not participate in the event.
  •  At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be asked to wear PPE which will include masks and in some situations will include gloves. Gloves and masks will be provided but volunteers can also bring their own.
  • At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be asked to use proper personal sanitation including frequent hand washing, frequent use of hand sanitizer, and frequent use of sanitizer wipes.
  • At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be asked to adhere to social distancing including no physical contact and not lingering closer than 6’ between persons.


Residential Client Services

Residential services to clients will continue including the following precautionary measures.

  • All incoming residents will be screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that any persons with flu-like symptoms or temperatures of 101 degrees and above should be immediately isolated in one of the designated isolation rooms until our campus medical team can examine and clear them. A member of the campus medical team will determine if the person should be required to make a hospital visit. Any client can request a hospital visit at any time.
  • All current residents who present fever or flu-like symptoms will also be immediately isolated in one of the designated isolation rooms until our campus medical team can examine and clear them. A member of the campus medical team will determine if the person should be required to make a hospital visit. Any client can request a hospital visit at any time.


Suspected Cases Action Plan

In the event that a volunteer, employee or client has a suspected case of COVID-19 (fever 101 or over or flu-like symptoms) we require that the person take actions based on CDC recommendations or based on a medical provider who is familiar with their case. We have been told by our partner medical providers that this often includes self-isolating to one’s personal residence, limiting social interactions, wearing personal protective equipment and following all medically prescribed steps toward their recovery.

  • For volunteers and employees who reside off-site, we are requiring that you not come to PDC campus until you no longer have any sign of fever of 101 or above or flu-like symptoms. 
  • For volunteers, employees or clients who reside onsite, we are requiring that you self-isolate in your room or in one of the designated isolation rooms on campus. 
  • For volunteers and employees who reside off-site, we are requiring that you not come to PDC campus until you no longer have any sign of fever for flu-like symptoms. 
  • For volunteers, employees or clients who reside onsite, we are requiring that you self-isolate in your room or in one of the designated isolation rooms on campus. 


Confirmed Cases Action Plan

In the event that a volunteer, employee or client has a confirmed case of COVID-19 we require that the person take actions based on a medical provider who is familiar with their case. We have been told by our partner medical providers that this often includes self-isolating to one’s personal residence, limiting social interactions, wearing personal protective equipment and following all medically prescribed steps toward their recovery.

  • For volunteers and employees who reside off-site, we are requiring that you not come to PDC campus until a minimum of 14 days after your positive COVID-19 test result and after you no longer have fever or flu-like symptoms. You may be required to produce a negative test result or a release from your medical provider for return to your position at the Phoenix Dream Center.
  • For employees, volunteers and clients who reside on-site we are requiring that you remain in the designated allocation room until a  minimum of 14 days after your positive COVID-19 test result and until you no longer have fever or flu-like symptoms. During your time in the designated isolation room you will be required to follow all of the isolation rooms rules and regulations as established by the campus medical providers and the program leadership team. You may be required to produce a negative test result or a release from your medical provider for return to your position at the Phoenix Dream Center.


Privacy and Non-disclosure

Under advisement of our medical team and our legal services team, the Phoenix Dream Center has determined to restrain itself and its members from discussing names of individuals who have suspected or positive cases with anyone outside of the medical or select program leadership team.

The following is the only approved release of information regarding personal medical information.

“An individual person’s medical conditions are a private matter and our position is that it is inappropriate for us to discuss the medical conditions of any of our employees, volunteers or clients.”

The Phoenix Dream Center will further not tolerate or allow any of its employees, volunteers or clients to openly or publicly discuss the private medical conditions of any of its members or affiliates. Corrective action is authorized to be taken up to and including termination of employment, volunteer status or client services status.


Remediation Protocol

In the event that a person is confirmed to have COVID-19, the “COVID-19 PREVENTION: ENHANCED CLEANING AND DISINFECTION PROTOCOL” will be enacted. This plan includes at a minimum:

  • Daily sterilization of the public and office areas, work area or living quarters of the person.
  • Use of fog sterilization machine for outdoor and some public indoor services
  • The use of Perisox RTU on all surfaces in the affected area.
  • The use of Environmental Health and Safety Department protocols for cleanup.
  • The use of Environmental Health and Safety Department safety equipment for cleaning crews. 

Updated on March 1st, 2021

As a recognized Arizona Essential Service Provider, the Phoenix Dream Center has decided to safely continue to serve all individuals, without discrimination to their current health condition, so long as our advising medical professionals deem it is safe for our campus to provide those services. 

Employee Flex-time Allowance

If you are an employee we advise that you take advantage of the flex-time allowance and work from home whenever and wherever possible. We especially encourage flex-time allowance for all employees who are themselves or have close contact with persons in the higher-risk categories. There will be no disruption to employee pay or to employee benefits during this time. Flex-time has been approved for all employees who are able to do so until July 1st, 2021. 


Off-site Residing Employee Precautionary Measures

All employees who reside off-site who do not take advantage of the flex-time allowance and must perform their job duties on campus must adhere to the following precautionary measures.

 All employees will be periodically screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that a temperature of 101 degrees and above should not be arriving to campus for work. Persons with temperatures of 101 and above will be asked to not arrive to campus for work. 

  • All off-site employees will be required to wear PPE in all common and open areas which will include masks and in some situations will include gloves. Gloves and masks will be provided but employees can also bring their own.
  • All off-site employees will be required to use proper personal sanitation including frequent hand washing, frequent use of hand sanitizer, and frequent use of sanitizer wipes.
  • All off-site employees will be required to adhere to social distancing including no physical contact and not lingering closer than 6’ between persons. 


On-site Residing  Employee Precautionary Measures

All employees who reside on-site who do not take advantage of the flex-time allowance and must perform their job duties on campus must adhere to the following precautionary measures.

 All employees will be periodically screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that a temperature of 101 degrees and above should not be arriving to campus for work. Persons with temperatures of 101 and above will be asked to not arrive to campus for work. 

  • Some on-site residing employees may be required to wear PPE in all common and open areas which will include masks and in some situations will include gloves. Gloves and masks will be provided but employees can also bring their own.
  • All on-site residing employees will be required to use proper personal sanitation including frequent hand washing, frequent use of hand sanitizer, and frequent use of sanitizer wipes.

At this time, the social services that we offer to the public are open. Please do not come for services if you are sick or have cold or flu-like symptoms. Along with social distancing, City of Phoenix mandates that you wear a mask or face shield. Masks are provided if you need one.


Volunteer Events On-site and Off-site

In addition to the postponing of the above-listed events, the following additional precautionary measures will be in effect for volunteer events, short-term mission events, and private meetings events.

  • At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that temperature over of 101 degrees and above should not be participating in volunteer events and so persons with temperatures of 101 and above will be asked to not participate in the event.
  •  At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be asked to wear PPE which will include masks and in some situations will include gloves. Gloves and masks will be provided but volunteers can also bring their own.
  • At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be asked to use proper personal sanitation including frequent hand washing, frequent use of hand sanitizer, and frequent use of sanitizer wipes.
  • At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be asked to adhere to social distancing including no physical contact and not lingering closer than 6’ between persons.


Residential Client Services

Residential services to clients will continue including the following precautionary measures.

  • All incoming residents will be screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that any persons with flu-like symptoms or temperatures of 101 degrees and above should be immediately isolated in one of the designated isolation rooms until our campus medical team can examine and clear them. A member of the campus medical team will determine if the person should be required to make a hospital visit. Any client can request a hospital visit at any time.
  • All current residents who present fever or flu-like symptoms will also be immediately isolated in one of the designated isolation rooms until our campus medical team can examine and clear them. A member of the campus medical team will determine if the person should be required to make a hospital visit. Any client can request a hospital visit at any time.


Suspected Cases Action Plan

In the event that a volunteer, employee or client has a suspected case of COVID-19 (fever 101 or over or flu-like symptoms) we require that the person take actions based on CDC recommendations or based on a medical provider who is familiar with their case. We have been told by our partner medical providers that this often includes self-isolating to one’s personal residence, limiting social interactions, wearing personal protective equipment and following all medically prescribed steps toward their recovery.

  • For volunteers and employees who reside off-site, we are requiring that you not come to PDC campus until you no longer have any sign of fever of 101 or above or flu-like symptoms. 
  • For volunteers, employees or clients who reside onsite, we are requiring that you self-isolate in your room or in one of the designated isolation rooms on campus. 
  • For volunteers and employees who reside off-site, we are requiring that you not come to PDC campus until you no longer have any sign of fever for flu-like symptoms. 
  • For volunteers, employees or clients who reside onsite, we are requiring that you self-isolate in your room or in one of the designated isolation rooms on campus. 


Confirmed Cases Action Plan

In the event that a volunteer, employee or client has a confirmed case of COVID-19 we require that the person take actions based on a medical provider who is familiar with their case. We have been told by our partner medical providers that this often includes self-isolating to one’s personal residence, limiting social interactions, wearing personal protective equipment and following all medically prescribed steps toward their recovery.

  • For volunteers and employees who reside off-site, we are requiring that you not come to PDC campus until a minimum of 14 days after your positive COVID-19 test result and after you no longer have fever or flu-like symptoms. You may be required to produce a negative test result or a release from your medical provider for return to your position at the Phoenix Dream Center.
  • For employees, volunteers and clients who reside on-site we are requiring that you remain in the designated allocation room until a  minimum of 14 days after your positive COVID-19 test result and until you no longer have fever or flu-like symptoms. During your time in the designated isolation room you will be required to follow all of the isolation rooms rules and regulations as established by the campus medical providers and the program leadership team. You may be required to produce a negative test result or a release from your medical provider for return to your position at the Phoenix Dream Center.


Privacy and Non-disclosure

Under advisement of our medical team and our legal services team, the Phoenix Dream Center has determined to restrain itself and its members from discussing names of individuals who have suspected or positive cases with anyone outside of the medical or select program leadership team.

The following is the only approved release of information regarding personal medical information.

“An individual person’s medical conditions are a private matter and our position is that it is inappropriate for us to discuss the medical conditions of any of our employees, volunteers or clients.”

The Phoenix Dream Center will further not tolerate or allow any of its employees, volunteers or clients to openly or publicly discuss the private medical conditions of any of its members or affiliates. Corrective action is authorized to be taken up to and including termination of employment, volunteer status or client services status.


Remediation Protocol

In the event that a person is confirmed to have COVID-19, the “COVID-19 PREVENTION: ENHANCED CLEANING AND DISINFECTION PROTOCOL” will be enacted. This plan includes at a minimum:

  • Daily sterilization of the public and office areas, work area or living quarters of the person.
  • Use of fog sterilization machine for outdoor and some public indoor services
  • The use of Perisox RTU on all surfaces in the affected area.
  • The use of Environmental Health and Safety Department protocols for cleanup.
  • The use of Environmental Health and Safety Department safety equipment for cleaning crews. 


Updated on December 16th, 2020

As a recognized Arizona Essential Service Provider, the Phoenix Dream Center has decided to safely continue to serve all individuals, without discrimination to their current health condition, so long as our advising medical professionals deem it is safe for our campus to provide those services.

Due to the increase in community cases of COVID-19, the Phoenix Dream Center is re-opening its Flex-time policy for employees or volunteers.


Employee Flex-time Allowance

If you are an employee we advise that you take advantage of the flex-time allowance and work from home whenever and wherever possible. We especially encourage flex-time allowance for all employees who are themselves or have close contact with persons in the higher risk categories. There will be no disruption to employee pay or to employee benefits during this time. Flex-time has been approved for all employees who are able to do so until February 1st, 2021. 


Off-site Residing Employee Precautionary Measures

All employees who reside off-site who do not take advantage of the flex-time allowance and must perform their job duties on campus must adhere to the following precautionary measures.

 All employees will be periodically screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that a temperature of 101 degrees and above should not be arriving to campus for work. Persons with temperatures of 101 and above will be asked to not arrive to campus for work. 

  • All off-site employees will be required to wear PPE in all common and open areas which will include masks and in some situations will include gloves. Gloves and masks will be provided but employees can also bring their own.
  • All off-site employees will be required to use proper personal sanitation including frequent hand washing, frequent use of hand sanitizer, and frequent use of sanitizer wipes.
  • All off-site employees will be required to adhere to social distancing including no physical contact and not lingering closer than 6’ between persons. 


On-site Residing  Employee Precautionary Measures

All employees who reside on-site who do not take advantage of the flex-time allowance and must perform their job duties on campus must adhere to the following precautionary measures.

 All employees will be periodically screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that a temperature of 101 degrees and above should not be arriving to campus for work. Persons with temperatures of 101 and above will be asked to not arrive to campus for work. 

  • Some on-site residing employees may be required to wear PPE in all common and open areas which will include masks and in some situations will include gloves. Gloves and masks will be provided but employees can also bring their own.
  • All on-site residing employees will be required to use proper personal sanitation including frequent hand washing, frequent use of hand sanitizer, and frequent use of sanitizer wipes.

At this time, the social services that we offer to the public are open. Please do not come for services if you are sick or have cold or flu-like symptoms. Along with social distancing, City of Phoenix mandates that you wear a mask or face shield. Masks are provided if you need one.


Volunteer Events On-site and Off-site

In addition to the postponing of the above listed events, the following additional precautionary measures will be in effect for volunteer events, short term mission events, and private meetings events.

  • At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that temperature over of 101 degrees and above should not be participating in volunteer events and so persons with temperatures of 101 and above will be asked to not participate in the event.
  •  At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be asked to wear PPE which will include masks and in some situations will include gloves. Gloves and masks will be provided but volunteers can also bring their own.
  • At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be asked to use proper personal sanitation including frequent hand washing, frequent use of hand sanitizer, and frequent use of sanitizer wipes.
  • At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be asked to adhere to social distancing including no physical contact and not lingering closer than 6’ between persons.


Residential Client Services

Residential services to clients will continue including the following precautionary measures.

  • All incoming residents will be screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that any persons with flu-like symptoms or temperatures of 101 degrees and above should be immediately isolated in one of the designated isolation rooms until our campus medical team can examine and clear them. A member of the campus medical team will determine if the person should be required to make a hospital visit. Any client can request a hospital visit at any time.
  • All current residents who present fever or flu-like symptoms will also be immediately isolated in one of the designated isolation rooms until our campus medical team can examine and clear them. A member of the campus medical team will determine if the person should be required to make a hospital visit. Any client can request a hospital visit at any time.


Suspected Cases Action Plan

In the event that a volunteer, employee or client has a suspected case of COVID-19 (fever 101 or over or flu-like symptoms) we require that the person take actions based on CDC recommendations or based on a medical provider who is familiar with their case. We have been told by our partner medical providers that this often includes self-isolating to one’s personal residence, limiting social interactions, wearing personal protective equipment and following all medically prescribed steps toward their recovery.

  • For volunteers and employees who reside off-site we are requiring that you not come to PDC campus until you no longer have any sign of fever of 101 or above or flu-like symptoms. 
  • For volunteers, employees or clients who reside onsite we are requiring that you self-isolate in your room or in one of the designated isolation rooms on campus. 
  • For volunteers and employees who reside off-site we are requiring that you not come to PDC campus until you no longer have any sign of fever for flu-like symptoms. 
  • For volunteers, employees or clients who reside onsite we are requiring that you self-isolate in your room or in one of the designated isolation rooms on campus. 


Confirmed Cases Action Plan

In the event that a volunteer, employee or client has a confirmed case of COVID-19 we require that the person take actions based on a medical provider who is familiar with their case. We have been told by our partner medical providers that this often includes self-isolating to one’s personal residence, limiting social interactions, wearing personal protective equipment and following all medically prescribed steps toward their recovery.

  • For volunteers and employees who reside off-site we are requiring that you not come to PDC campus until a minimum of 14 days after your positive COVID-19 test result and after you no longer have fever or flu-like symptoms. You may be required to produce a negative test result or a release from your medical provider for return to your position at the Phoenix Dream Center.
  • For employees, volunteers and clients who reside on-site we are requiring that you remain in the designated allocation room until a  minimum of 14 days after your positive COVID-19 test result and until you no longer have fever or flu-like symptoms. During your time in the designated isolation room you will be required to follow all of the isolation rooms rules and regulations as established by the campus medical providers and the program leadership team. You may be required to produce a negative test result or a release from your medical provider for return to your position at the Phoenix Dream Center.


Privacy and Non-disclosure

Under advisement of our medical team and our legal services team, the Phoenix Dream Center has determined to restrain itself and its members from discussing names of individuals who have suspected or positive cases with anyone outside of the medical or select program leadership team.

The following is the only approved release of information regarding personal medical information.

“An individual person’s medical conditions are a private matter and our position is that it is inappropriate for us to discuss the medical conditions of any of our employees, volunteers or clients.”

The Phoenix Dream Center will further not tolerate or allow any of its employees, volunteers or clients to openly or publicly discuss the private medical conditions of any of its members or affiliates. Corrective action is authorized to be taken up to and including termination of employment, volunteer status or client services status.


Remediation Protocol

In the event that a person is confirmed to have COVID-19, the “COVID-19 PREVENTION: ENHANCED CLEANING AND DISINFECTION PROTOCOL” will be enacted. This plan includes at a minimum:

  • Daily sterilization of the public and office areas, work area or living quarters of the person.
  • Use of fog sterilization machine for outdoor and some public indoor services
  • The use of Perisox RTU on all surfaces in the affected area.
  • The use of Environmental Health and Safety Department protocols for cleanup.
  • The use of Environmental Health and Safety Department safety equipment for cleaning crews. 


Updated on October 27th, 2020

The Phoenix Dream Center has decided to safely continue to serve all individuals, without discrimination to their current health condition, so long as our advising medical professionals deem it is safe for our campus to provide those services.

The social services that we offer to the public are open. Please do not come for services if you are sick or have cold or flu-like symptoms. Along with social distancing, City of Phoenix mandates that you wear a mask or face shield. Masks are provided if you need one.


June 17th, 2020 Statement (older statements below)

Please see the very latest from the Arizona Department of Health by clicking HERE.

The Phoenix Dream Center recognizes and is responding to the increase in Arizona’s confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Widely circulated reports are now showing that, even with social distancing and personal protective equipment, confirmed cases still exist and are originating among restaurants, businesses, hospitals, clinics, churches, shelters and other establishments in our community.

We’ve additionally become aware of COVID-19 cases among some of our partnering organizations including among people that we are working hard to serve together – the homeless, low income families, at-risk youth etc.

The Phoenix Dream Center has decided to safely continue to serve all individuals, without discrimination to their current health condition, so long as our advising medical professionals deem it is safe for our campus to provide those services.

For example, we believe that a young girl who is trapped in the violent, life threatening abuse of human trafficking who happens to have COVID-19 still deserves to be recovered and helped – and we are going to help her. We will provide her with safe housing including isolated services so that any illness she has does not affect other girls who are also healing. The medical professionals we work with at the Phoenix Dream Center have outlined a plan for us to be able to safely serve individuals with COVID-19 and we have decided to follow that plan.

Although Maricopa County and Arizona health officials have lifted many COVID-19 restrictions to business operations (including essential service providers), we recognize that many businesses have opted to return to or keep certain business operation restrictions in light of the recent increase in Arizona’s confirmed cases of COVID-19.

While working with our campus medical providers to determine our best course of action forward, the Phoenix Dream Center has decided to join these other Arizona businesses in our response to the increase in Arizona’s confirmed cases of COVID-19.

In order to continue to safely provide Essential Services to the people we care about, we are extending the following Precautionary Measures until Monday, July 20th, 2020.

Employee Flex-time Allowance

If you are an employee we advise that you take advantage of the flex-time allowance and work from home whenever and wherever possible. We especially encourage flex-time allowance for all employees who are themselves or have close contact with persons in the higher risk categories. There will be no disruption to employee pay or to employee benefits during this time. Flex-time has been approved for all employees who are able to do so until July 20th, 2020.

Off-site Residing Employee Precautionary Measures

All employees who reside off-site who do not take advantage of the flex-time allowance and must perform their job duties on campus must adhere to the following precautionary measures.

 All employees will be periodically screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that a temperature of 101 degrees and above should not be arriving to campus for work. Persons with temperatures of 101 and above will be asked to not arrive to campus for work. 

  • All off-site employees will be required to wear PPE in all common and open areas which will include masks and in some situations will include gloves. Gloves and masks will be provided but employees can also bring their own.
  • All off-site employees will be required to use proper personal sanitation including frequent hand washing, frequent use of hand sanitizer, and frequent use of sanitizer wipes.
  • All off-site employees will be required to adhere to social distancing including no physical contact and not lingering closer than 6’ between persons. 

On-site Residing  Employee Precautionary Measures

All employees who reside on-site who do not take advantage of the flex-time allowance and must perform their job duties on campus must adhere to the following precautionary measures.

 All employees will be periodically screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that a temperature of 101 degrees and above should not be arriving to campus for work. Persons with temperatures of 101 and above will be asked to not arrive to campus for work. 

  • Some on-site residing employees may be required to wear PPE in all common and open areas which will include masks and in some situations will include gloves. Gloves and masks will be provided but employees can also bring their own.
  • All on-site residing employees will be required to use proper personal sanitation including frequent hand washing, frequent use of hand sanitizer, and frequent use of sanitizer wipes.

Public Access To Events On Campus

The following changes have been made to the schedule of public events that are normally open to the public.

  • Public Church and Chapel Services have been postponed until after Monday, July 20th, 2020
  • Public access to the Resource Department has been postponed until after Monday, July 20th, 2020
  • Public access to On-site Services has been postponed until after Monday, July 20th, 2020

Volunteer Events On-site and Off-site

In addition to the postponing of the above listed events, the following additional precautionary measures will be in effect for volunteer events, short term mission events, and private meetings events.

  • At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that temperature over of 101 degrees and above should not be participating in volunteer events and so persons with temperatures of 101 and above will be asked to not participate in the event.
  •  At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be asked to wear PPE which will include masks and in some situations will include gloves. Gloves and masks will be provided but volunteers can also bring their own.
  • At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be asked to use proper personal sanitation including frequent hand washing, frequent use of hand sanitizer, and frequent use of sanitizer wipes.
  • At all on-site and off-site volunteer events, all volunteers will be asked to adhere to social distancing including no physical contact and not lingering closer than 6’ between persons.

Residential Client Services

Residential services to clients will continue including the following precautionary measures.

  • All incoming residents will be screened for fever or flu-like symptoms and asked to submit to a touchless temperature check. We’ve been advised by our medical team that any persons with flu-like symptoms or temperatures of 101 degrees and above should be immediately isolated in one of the designated isolation rooms until our campus medical team can examine and clear them. A member of the campus medical team will determine if the person should be required to make a hospital visit. Any client can request a hospital visit at any time.
  • All current residents who present fever or flu-like symptoms will also be immediately isolated in one of the designated isolation rooms until our campus medical team can examine and clear them. A member of the campus medical team will determine if the person should be required to make a hospital visit. Any client can request a hospital visit at any time.

Suspected Cases Action Plan

In the event that a volunteer, employee or client has a suspected case of COVID-19 (fever 101 or over or flu-like symptoms) we require that the person take actions based on CDC recommendations or based on a medical provider who is familiar with their case. We have been told by our partner medical providers that this often includes self-isolating to one’s personal residence, limiting social interactions, wearing personal protective equipment and following all medically prescribed steps toward their recovery.

  • For volunteers and employees who reside off-site we are requiring that you not come to PDC campus until you no longer have any sign of fever of 101 or above or flu-like symptoms. 
  • For volunteers, employees or clients who reside onsite we are requiring that you self-isolate in your room or in one of the designated isolation rooms on campus. 
  • For volunteers and employees who reside off-site we are requiring that you not come to PDC campus until you no longer have any sign of fever for flu-like symptoms. 
  • For volunteers, employees or clients who reside onsite we are requiring that you self-isolate in your room or in one of the designated isolation rooms on campus. 

Confirmed Cases Action Plan

In the event that a volunteer, employee or client has a confirmed case of COVID-19 we require that the person take actions based on a medical provider who is familiar with their case. We have been told by our partner medical providers that this often includes self-isolating to one’s personal residence, limiting social interactions, wearing personal protective equipment and following all medically prescribed steps toward their recovery.

  • For volunteers and employees who reside off-site we are requiring that you not come to PDC campus until a minimum of 14 days after your positive COVID-19 test result and after you no longer have fever or flu-like symptoms. You may be required to produce a negative test result or a release from your medical provider for return to your position at the Phoenix Dream Center.
  • For employees, volunteers and clients who reside on-site we are requiring that you remain in the designated allocation room until a  minimum of 14 days after your positive COVID-19 test result and until you no longer have fever or flu-like symptoms. During your time in the designated isolation room you will be required to follow all of the isolation rooms rules and regulations as established by the campus medical providers and the program leadership team. You may be required to produce a negative test result or a release from your medical provider for return to your position at the Phoenix Dream Center.

Privacy and Non-disclosure

Under advisement of our medical team and our legal services team, the Phoenix Dream Center has determined to restrain itself and its members from discussing names of individuals who have suspected or positive cases with anyone outside of the medical or select program leadership team.

The following is the only approved release of information regarding personal medical information.

“An individual person’s medical conditions are a private matter and our position is that it is inappropriate for us to discuss the medical conditions of any of our employees, volunteers or clients.”

The Phoenix Dream Center will further not tolerate or allow any of its employees, volunteers or clients to openly or publicly discuss the private medical conditions of any of its members or affiliates. Corrective action is authorized to be taken up to and including termination of employment, volunteer status or client services status.

 Remediation Protocol

In the event that a person is confirmed to have COVID-19, the “COVID-19 PREVENTION: ENHANCED CLEANING AND DISINFECTION PROTOCOL” will be enacted. This plan includes at a minimum:

  • A sterilization of the affected office areas, work area or living quarters of the person.
  • The use of Perisox RTU on all surfaces in the affected area.
  • The use of Environmental Health and Safety Department protocols for cleanup.
  • The use of Environmental Health and Safety Department safety equipment for cleaning crews. 


May 16th, 2020 Statement

We are closely monitoring the news of the coronavirus (COVID-19) both locally and globally, and we’re paying attention to guidance published by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  

Please see the very latest from the Arizona Department of Health by clicking HERE.

 We are proceeding with our activities with caution and with guidance from our on-site physicians from Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Dignity Health and Life Health and Wellness.   

All activities that are safe for us and safe for our community will continue.

We believe God is still and will always be in control.                      

The spread of this virus has caused a level of fear and anxiety for many people. While we know and believe that God will cover his people in the midst of the storm, we do not take this situation lightly and understand the importance of operating with wisdom. Scripture is clear, “God has given us a spirit of power, love and a sound mind, and not a spirit of fear.” (2 Timothy 1:7). 

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES: We are advised that the coronavirus is primarily spread through close contact, as such we are taking all precautionary measures to ensure safe program housing and safe outreach services. In order to achieve this, we have implemented plans for extra safety and sanitation. 

As our Phoenix Dream Center family participates in volunteering, residential programming, or our outreach services, here are some additional steps and measures we are implementing to ensure a safe and healthy environment in our gathering places. 

Our facilities are being disinfected regularly and we’re following enhanced preventive and screening procedures prior to all recovery’s and outreaches. At this time, we will continue to recover individuals into our housing programs, and the staff in the facility are prepared to quarantine and serve any individuals with flu-like symptoms until they can be tested.

 In addition to encouraging team members and volunteers to wash their hands frequently, we will also be supplying alcohol-based hand sanitizers available for use on outreaches, and we will utilize non-latex gloves as appropriate to each outreach. Volunteers are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer as well. 


EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS: Our employees and volunteers who have children who are affected by school shutdowns are being offered flex-time to work from home in order to best meet their family needs.

We encourage all who are experiencing symptoms, even if they are mild (e.g. fever, cough, respiratory, etc.) to stay home and fully recover. While you may feel fine to volunteer, please consider the health and comfort of other volunteers and those who we serve that we must take utmost care to protect. 

We ask that all of our volunteers prayerfully consider the CDC statement regarding people who are at risk for more serious consequences from contracting COVID-19: “If you are at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19 because of your age or because you have a serious long-term health problem, it is extra important for you to take actions to reduce your risk of getting sick with the disease.”

We want you serving with us for the long-term! Taking time away from serving is no indication of a lack of passion or faith. We are completely supportive of our volunteers’ decisions to temporarily refrain from volunteering.

THOSE EXPERIENCING ILLNESS:  If you are currently experiencing symptoms or illness you should seek medical attention as is necessary to ensure you are protected from a greater health risk.  This will ensure you recover more quickly, and that you do not pass on an illness to others. If you desire prayer for healing, please email us at  

Those in our programs who are experiencing illness will follow the advice of our on-site doctors who are running our medical centers.

CHURCH AND CHAPEL SERVICES: In response to Governor Ducey’s statements made on March 16th, 2020, church and chapel services to the public will be suspended until further notice. These services will continue but only for residents of our life recovery programs.

MISSION TRIPS: In response to Governor Ducey’s statements made on March 16th, 2020, all March Short Term Mission trips will be postponed until further notice.

PUBLIC TOURS AND OPEN HOUSES: In response to Governor Ducey’s statements made on March 16th, 2020, all Public Tours and Open Houses will be postponed until further notice.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT OUTREACHES: In response to Governor Ducey’s statements made on March 16th, 2020, all community based outreaches that are larger than 50 people will be postponed until further notice. Smaller, community based outreaches that are essential to providing food to homeless and at-risk families will continue so long as it is deemed safe for both our outreach workers and the community we are serving.

HOUSING PROGRAMS:  Currently all of our housing programs are full but we do encourage you to get on the appropriate waiting list for your needs. Each of our programs continues to have background screenings, health screenings and other medical screenings before intake. These screenings have always been in place and are there to ensure the safety and well being of all residents we currently serve.  

DOORS & ENTRANCES:  To minimize contact points with other visitors, volunteer teams will hold exterior doors open to greet you. The customary handshake will be replaced with a friendly verbal greeting and as always, an encouraging word. We are also making hand sanitizer more readily available throughout our buildings and at our entrances for all services. 

GREETING:  During your time on our campus, we recommend you greet each other with smiles and waves instead of handshakes. 

DONATIONS:  If you don’t already, we recommend that you give online (here), or by texting a gift amount to 602-560-5107. Over 70% of our donor base already uses these secure systems; they are reliable, easy and safe. 

PREVENTION:  We strongly encourage you to become educated in how the coronavirus behaves. Take some time to understand proper preventative measures to support being part of the solution. Here are some of the basic measures listed on the CDC website:  

-Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

-Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

-Stay home when you are sick.

-Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

-Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.  

-Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

-If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

-Always wash hands with soap and water if your hands are visibly dirty.  

Please continue to pray for those affected around the world.

We know that God answers us when we pray. 

Thank you for your continued faith and support!  

Phoenix Dream Center Administration