Thank you for your donation to help people served at the Phoenix Dream Center!

Please check the email that you gave us for an electronic copy of your receipt. Below you can request a complimentary hard copy of your Official Receipt for tax purposes. 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at 602.346.8778 or email Carlos at

Thank you again! 

We thought you might also enjoy this video from one of the girls who was served in our human trafficking program as she shares how thankful the girls are for supporters like you! 

What can we help you with next?

Get a complimentary hard copy of your Official Receipt

Survey: Give Us Feedback About Our Donation Process

Complimentary Copy of our Agency Annual Report

Do you want a complimentary hard copy of your Official Receipt Mailed to you?

We know that many people like to have an Official Hard Copy of their receipt mailed to them for their records. It really comes in handy at tax time. 

Just fill out this short form so we can be sure we mail it to your correct address and get your correct name on the receipt. 

Thank you again for your donation!