The average age that at-risk youth are lured into sex trafficking in Arizona is just 12 years old
YES Study Arizona 2020
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Over 340 children have been recovered from human trafficking in Phoenix in just the past 18 months
AZ Human Trafficking Council Report 2020
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Children spend an average of 154 days trapped in human trafficking before they are recovered
ASU 6 Year Analysis 2015
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In 2020 there was a 98% increase in online attempts by sex traffickers trying to recruit children
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children 2020
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Less than 1% of survivors of human trafficking cases are identified
CASE Study 2019
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The Latest Reports

Arizona Human Trafficking Council's Prevention & Intervention Report

Through this report, the Arizona Human Trafficking Council (the Council) has summarized critical areas of work to prevent and combat human trafficking and exploitation across eleven critical sectors.

Through the combined efforts of state and local government, non-profits, law enforcement, universities, and the community at-large, Arizona is creating systemic change to prevent and combat human trafficking.


Trafficking In Persons Report - United States Department of State

For 20 years, the Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report) has demonstrated the United States’ conviction that human trafficking is a global threat necessitating a global response. 

Traffickers are denying nearly 25 million people their fundamental right to freedom, forcing them to live enslaved and toil for their exploiter’s profit. This report arms governments with the data they need to increase the prosecution of traffickers, provide victim-centered and trauma-informed protection for victims of trafficking, and prevent this crime altogether. 


United Nations Report On Global Human Trafficking

In 2007, UNODC conducted, in the framework of the United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT), a study on the state of the world’s response to the crime of human trafficking. This report offers an unprecedented view of the available information on the state of the world’s response to human trafficking, including near-comprehensive data on national legislative and enforcement activity.

This report summarizes this information, starting with a discussion of the global and regional figures and closing with country profiles for participating nations.


Precarious Journeys: Mapping vulnerabilities of victims of trafficking from Vietnam to Europe

This research was conducted by Every Child Protected Against Trafficking (ECPAT UK), Anti-Slavery International (Anti-Slavery) and Pacific Links Foundation (Pacific Links). 

Over one and a half years the research investigated the issue of human trafficking from Vietnam to the UK, and through Europe; specifically Poland, the Czech Republic, France and the Netherlands to the UK. 

This report summarises the main findings of the research. It highlights that whilst there are many vulnerabilities which result in a person leaving Vietnam, vulnerabilities are not inherent in all Vietnamese migrants. 


The Typology of Modern Slavery: Defining Sex and Labor Trafficking in the United States

In 2017, Polaris issued a report that for the first time ever broke human trafficking in the United States down from the broad categories of sex trafficking and labor trafficking into what it truly is – 25 distinct business models, each with their own specific and distinct business plans. 

The analysis is based on more than 32,000 cases reported to the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline between December 2007 and December 2016.


State Report Cards: Grading Criminal Record Relief Laws for Survivors of Human Trafficking

By its very definition, the crime of human trafficking involves people participating in some activity against their will. Often those activities are illegal – prostitution, selling drugs, shoplifting – and trafficking victims are arrested and charged with a crime. This tragically ironic scenario is extremely common. 

A survey found that 91% of survivor respondents had a criminal record as a result of being trafficked. A criminal record, even an arrest without a conviction, often leads to doors being slammed shut. Its time to put laws in place that allow trafficking survivors to have their records cleared and move on with their lives.


Ways To Get Involved

Sponsor A Girl's Healing Journey

According to the International Labor Organization, less than 1% of girls get recovered out of human trafficking.

So when a girl or young woman arrives to the Phoenix Dream Center, we count it a miracle.

And, every moment that she spends in a Dream Room is a miracle.

But those miracles don’t just happen by themselves.

Every day people who care about these girls are sponsoring their healing journey.

Today you can sponsor a girl or young woman as she goes through healing in a “Dream Room”.


Help Remodel An Apartment For A Girl Who Is Healing From Trafficking Abuse

right now, several apartments are being remodeled in Phoenix – it’s the largest human trafficking expansion project in North America.

Due to the increased need for beds for victims of human trafficking, the Nations largest Human Trafficking Recovery Center (The Phoenix Dream Center) is building more beds to house even more victims.

You can help prepare a room that will help 40 more survivors of human trafficking have a safe and secure place to heal.


Volunteer Virtually to Help Stop Human Trafficking

Pick A Virtual Project And Change The World!

You’ll go on a “Choose Your Journey” email path where you select the areas of interest and type of virtual projects that might interest you.

You can even choose how often you’d like us to send you new projects.


Free Tools and Resources

Human Trafficking 101 Class Presented by Arizona State University

It is imperative that all educators/administrators that will utilize this material have a clear understanding of the issue of sex trafficking before they begin teaching students about the issue.

It is also important that a schoolwide standard plan is put in place in case students report possible incidents of trafficking after participating in the lessons or activities provided on this website.


A Donor and Volunteer Guide

For people who want to get involved with local organizations that help human trafficking survivors.

A compilation of over 100 volunteer and donor insights featuring 42 human trafficking organizations.


A Free Human Trafficking Safety Guide


Get the Cyber Dive App to Help Monitor Your Child's Online Risks

We’re proud to be partnered with Cyber Dive to help parents monitor the safety of their children’s in their social media interactions.

This company is not only dedicated to child safety, but to helping survivors find restoration at the Phoenix Dream Center.


Kids Are Growing Up In A Digital World, Parents Need To Realize That

Children and teens are on their phones and laptops nonstop.

But all that screen time could be putting any child at risk. Online, it’s harder to tell if people are really who they say they are.

It’s our job to help kids recognize who their real friends are – and aren’t.


Gift Catalog

You can support key areas of a girl’s recovery out of human trafficking. Go to our Gift Catalog Page and shop for items that support survivors in their healing. 

Shop Amazon

Check out our wish-list on Amazon where you can purchase and have them deliver it right to survivors in our program.

Remodel A Room

You can give a gift today to the room renovation fund that is helping 4 more survivors get recovered. Help remodel a room to help 4 more survivors get recovered.

Frontline Follows A 16-year-old Through A Recovery Operation

The story of a 16 year old survivor from recovery to restoration at the Phoenix Dream Center.

What Survivors Feel When They Come To The Phoenix Dream Center

A survivor shares her heart about what it was like to be recovered and brought to the Phoenix Dream Center.

Phoenix Dream Center Human Trafficking Program Overview

This video explains how the program works to recover and restore young women.

Join Us At The Stop Traffic Walk To End Human Trafficking

The Stop Traffic Walk raises funds for the nations largest human trafficking effort through the Phoenix Dream Center, StreetLightUSA and Short Creek Dream Center.