Shake Rattle & Roll Fundraiser to Stop Human Trafficking
Fighting for the rescue and recovery of survivors of human sex trafficking is up to us!
According to the International Labor Organization, less than 1% of girls get recovered out of human trafficking.
So when a girl or young woman arrives to the Phoenix Dream Center, we count it a miracle.
And, every moment that she spends in a Dream Room is a miracle.
But those miracles don’t just happen by themselves.
Everyday people who care about these girls are sponsoring their healing journey.
Thank you Shake Rattle and Roll for being the ones who care.
Today you can sponsor a girl or young woman as she goes through healing in a “Dream Room”.
The Dream Rooms at the Phoenix Dream Center have been specially designed to help girls and young women heal.

What Survivors Feel When They Come To The Phoenix Dream Center
A survivor shares her heart about what it was like to be recovered and brought to the Phoenix Dream Center.
Sponsor a girl through one of four critical areas of her healing

You can sponsor a girl in an Intake Triage Room.
These rooms are specifically designed to help her when she first arrives to campus.
This room is for when she first comes out of a recovery operation.
She will typically stay in one of these rooms anywhere from 14 to 30 days.
During this time she will get a high level of medical, therapeutic and nutrition care.
By sponsoring her time in one of these rooms you are helping her to get through the hardest time in healing process.

You can sponsor a girl in a Mid-program Room.
These rooms are specifically designed to help her during the largest part of her healing.
She will be in these between 1 month and 12 months.
During this time she will be going to recovery classes, medical appointments and counseling appointments.
By sponsoring this part of her healing you will be helping her go through the most restorative time in her healing journey.

You can sponsor a girl in a Follow-up Room.
These rooms are specifically designed to help her as she begins to go back into the world.
Very often at this point she is going to college or working and saving money to get her first place to live.
She will be in this room for between 12 months and 18 months, or until she is ready to move out.
By sponsoring her time in one of these rooms you will be helping her as she first begins to dream again for her life.

You can sponsor a girl in a Pregnancy Room.
These rooms are designed to help her if she is pregnant when she comes into the program.
As many as 30% of the young women coming into the program are pregnant and need these additional services.
She’s usually really scared about the future at this point and the future of her baby.
While she’s in this room she will be going to crisis pregnancy classes.
She will also be getting special medical care for her and her baby.
By sponsoring her time in one of these rooms you will be helping her and her baby to create a life for themselves.
$100 of $5,000 raised

100% of your donation goes directly to sponsoring a girl who is healing from human trafficking abuse. Our administrative overhead costs are all covered by business revenue and a private foundation grant.
And, here’s some more good news – your donation is eligible for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit and you can get $800 in state tax credits for couples filing jointly and singles can get up to $400 in AZ Charitable Tax Credits.