How do girls and young women successfully transition back into the world?

The Alumni Fund at the Phoenix Dream Center helps girls and young women take their next step toward success, after receiving healing in our recovery program. 

Here is how the Alumni Fund works. 

During a young woman’s time in the healing program at the Phoenix Dream Center she earns credits, similar to earning college credits. The credits are based on milestones that she achieved in the program. Days of healing, classes completed, volunteer projects, career developments, educational achievements, and other development milestones all count toward these credits. 

When the girl or young woman completes the program, she will have around 5,000 credits. As she moves out into the world she is matched up with her Mentor Team, and these credits turn into dollars, thanks to donors who give to the Alumni Fund. 

So each girl or young woman leaves our program with at least $5,000 to help her rebuild her life. 

This $5,000 is managed by the Mentor Team and used to help each girl make a successful transition.

After being trafficked in her early teens, Jade recovered at the Phoenix Dream Center and Dreamed of getting a degree

Alumni Fund donors made it possible for her to get her high school degree, then her Associate’s degree, then her Bachelor’s degree.

The Alumni Fund has provided over $400,000 in support to help survivors of human trafficking after they have completed the healing services at the Phoenix Dream Center.

You can help girls and young women thrive after completing their healing at the Phoenix Dream Center.

100% of your donation to the Alumni Fund goes to help survivors as they transition back into the community and 0% goes to overhead. 

All overhead is covered by a private foundation grant and business revenue.

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What Girls Who've Completed Our Program Are Saying

“This guy trafficked me starting at 16 years old. When the police finally got me out I needed to come to a place like the Dream Center to get better.  They’ve given me so many amazing opportunities and resources. You won’t find any other places likes this…I mean this place like saved my life.”


“I ran away from home at 17 and an older man took me into his house. It turned bad and he started locking me in the bathroom and telling me when I could eat. The SWAT team raided his house and brought me to the Dream Center. I made a lot of friends at the Dream Center and I got my high school diploma. First thing I ever accomplished.” 


“At the age of 14 they put me out on the streets day and night. I would bring the money back to them. I got beat, I got raped, it was terrible. When I got away a school councilor called the Dream Center and they took me in the same day. I was pregnant and they helped me and my baby have a life.”


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