Here's How At-risk Youth and Homeless Families Get Critical Food and Support Services
No child should go to bed hungry. Period.
No child should have to go to bed hungry. It’s a simple statement, but one that sadly rings true for far too many children in Arizona. According to recent estimates, 1 in 5 children in the state struggle with childhood hunger. That means that every week, thousands of children are going without the nutrition they need to thrive.
Our community-based outreaches are working to change that by providing meals for homeless, low-income and at-risk families. We specifically target the lowest-income neighborhoods, which are often the farthest away from food banks or other services. Through this work, we are helping thousands of children each year to have food they can depend on coming into their homes.
But we can’t do it alone. We need the support of our community to continue this vital work. Together, we can make a difference in the fight against childhood hunger.
Childhood hunger is a problem that impacts children all over the world. According to the World Food Programme, around 21,000 children die each day from hunger-related causes.
This is an unacceptable statistic, and something must be done to address the issue. Here in Arizona, 1 in 5 children struggle with childhood hunger. This is why our community based outreaches have made it their goal to End Childhood Hunger.
Each week, amazing volunteers take thousands of meals out to homeless, low income and at-risk families in Phoenix and surrounding cities. Our outreaches specifically target the lowest income neighborhoods that are the farthest away from food banks or other services. Through this work we are helping thousands of children each year to have food they can depend on coming into their homes. However, more needs to be done in order to address the issue of childhood hunger on a global scale.
We must continue to raise awareness about this issue and work together to find solutions that will make a real impact.
Donate to help End Childhood Hunger in Phoenix neighborhoods
Here’s how you can help
Seven dollars helps an entire family receive groceries 3 times in one week of outreaches.
Twelve dollars helps provide afterschool activities for 12 children at one of the outreaches.
Twenty seven dollars helps with the transportation costs for 1 van for a whole week of outreaches.
Two hundred and forty seven dollars helps with all of the costs for an outreach site for an entire month.
You can make your whole $400 Arizona Qualifying Charitable Tax Credit go to Ending Childhood Hunger. This is a dollar-for-dollar tax credit.
If you are filing jointly can make your whole $800 Arizona Qualifying Charitable Tax Credit go to Ending Childhood Hunger. This is a dollar-for-dollar tax credit.
You can help at-risk youth and homeless families get the needed food, clothing and educational support they need by supporting these community outreaches.

100% of your donation goes directly to support the community outreach program. Our administrative overhead costs are all covered by business revenue and a private grant.
And, here’s some more good news – your donation is eligible for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit and you can get $800 in state tax credits for couples filing jointly and singles can get up to $400 in AZ Charitable Tax Credits.

Shop Amazon
Check out our wish-list on Amazon where you can purchase and have them deliver it right to outreach team and it will get into the hands of people how need it that same week.
Sponsor An Outreach
You can sponsor all of the costs of a single outreach by making a monthly gift that will cover all of the transportation, food, hygiene, medical, children’s education and other supplies needed for the outreach.