Heartbreaking Reality: Youth of Phoenix Dying Daily, Is Saving Them Possible?

Every week we witness firsthand the heartbreaking reality of people who are overdosing on the streets of Phoenix. These are not just strangers, but the sons and daughters of the people of our community.

These individuals are some of the hardest to reach because of the addiction that entraps them. However, we are committed to being there for them, to pull them out of the depths of despair and show them that there is hope for a better future. Unfortunately, every week we find people that are overdosing and have to administer Narcan to help them.

Outreach vans loading up to head out to the streets of Phoenix to help save lives.

Our 100% Guarantee

100% of your donation goes directly to the program you choose for your donation, and 0% goes to administrative overhead. Our administrative overhead is covered by business revenue and a private foundation grant.

And, here’s some more good news – in Arizona your donation is eligible for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit and you can get $938 in state tax credits for couples filing jointly and singles can get up to $470 in AZ Charitable Tax Credits.