You can sponsor a girl who is now pregnant as a result of her trafficking abuse

Can you imagine…

The abuse of being trafficked, literally sold for sex, and then finding out that you’re pregnant?

These girls often find themselves in an impossible situation. 

But we’ve found in serving over 2,000 girls and young women in the past 15 years that MOST of them want to keep their baby. 

It’s our goal to walk alongside them as they transition through their healing and into motherhood. 

To help these young women, we’ve built some specially designed pregnancy Dream Rooms for the girls who are pregnant. 

But what they need now is someone to come along side of them and help to cover all of their healing costs. 

What Survivors Feel When They Come To The Phoenix Dream Center

A survivor shares her heart about what it was like to be recovered and brought to the Phoenix Dream Center.

Bonus gift for Monthly Sponsors!

We only have a few of these Angel Wing Keychains. 

When you become a Monthly Sponsor we’ll send you one. 

And, we’ll give one to the girl you are sponsoring and tell her that it’s from a “friend who cares”.

Sponsor the healing cost of a girl or young woman who is pregnant. 

$87,034 of $67,525 raised
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Total $100.00 One Time

100% of your donation goes directly to sponsoring a girl who is healing from human trafficking abuse. Our administrative overhead costs are all covered by business revenue and a private foundation grant.

And, here’s some more good news – your donation is eligible for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit and you can get $800 in state tax credits for couples filing jointly and singles can get up to $400 in AZ Charitable Tax Credits.