How can girls who have survived human trafficking rebuild their lives, find careers, go to college, and achieve their DREAMS?
Traffickers keep victims purposely isolated from the community.
In fact, it’s one of the control techniques they use to make sure survivors aren’t able to get free.
But when a survivor gets recovered, it’s critical they not only get the healing they need but that they receive the career development opportunities needed to achieve their DREAM!
We are providing these opportunities through our DREAM Stars program!
Our DREAM Stars program will allow survivors to get plugged into career development opportunities at the Phoenix Dream Center, enter internships, and college as they develop a strong resume for when they are able to reconnect with the community.
My trafficker told me I was too stupid to ever think about going to college. After hearing it for so long I sort of started believing it.
Your donations to the human trafficking DREAM Stars fund will be designated to supporting human trafficking survivors' career readiness as they work to achieve their DREAMS!
Thank you for helping these girls!
$16,400 of $30,000 raised
100% of your donation goes directly to the project outlined on this page. Our administrative overhead costs are all covered by business revenue and a private foundation grant.
And, here’s some more good news – your donation is eligible for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit and you can get $800 in state tax credits for couples filing jointly and singles can get up to $400 in AZ Charitable Tax Credits.