Recover and Restore Retreat
Imagine what it would feel like to be abused, homeless, with no one to turn to for help.
This is the harsh reality for countless women and mothers across our valley.
How can we help Women RECOVER and RESTORE?
The Phoenix Dream Center’s Life Recovery Women’s program is a beacon of hope in our community. It offers safe and stable housing for women who have experienced homelessness or abuse, along with access to counseling and crucial resources to help them heal from their pain and trauma.
However, this program’s impact relies on the generosity of donors like you. When you contribute to the Phoenix Dream Center’s Life Recovery Women’s program, you’re not just providing temporary assistance – you’re helping women reclaim their lives, find hope, and reunite with their children.
Our goal is to raise $15,000 to send the Life Recovery Women’s Program on a retreat of Restoration and Recovery.
Imagine for a moment the feeling of pride and gratitude that you would feel if you were able to play a part in helping someone achieve a life-changing transformation. The women in this program have a dream to get away for a long weekend to experience the nature that God created, fellowship with one another, fun in the community and support from leadership.
Your gift toward a weekend retreat will help these women experience the life-changing power of friendship and community, something that they desperately need. Your donations can make all the difference in the world to someone who has been through so much, and it is our responsibility as a community to step up and do what we can to lift each other up.
So, I implore you to consider donating what you can to the Phoenix Dream Center’s homeless and abused women’s program. Your generosity will leave a lasting impact on the lives of these brave women, proving that together, we can create a brighter future for those in need. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I hope you’ll join me in supporting this vital cause.

- Every gift counts and a gift of any amount matters!
- You'll receive a report about how your gift is helping the girls
- Your donation is eligible for a Federal Tax Deduction
- You can also claim a dollar-for-dollar AZ State Tax Credit
- 100% of your gift goes direct to this project

Thank you for helping these girls!

100% of your donation goes directly to the project outlined on this page. Our administrative overhead costs are all covered by business revenue and a private foundation grant.
And, here’s some more good news – your donation is eligible for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit and you can get $800 in state tax credits for couples filing jointly and singles can get up to $400 in AZ Charitable Tax Credits.