“My name is Steven and this is my story.
Before I came to the Phoenix Dream Center, I had been homeless and on the streets for approximately 2 ½ years.
During that time – I won’t lie – I was a drug addict and a criminal. I was constantly in trouble with law enforcement and I continually found myself in and out of jail and prison.
On March 6, 2018, I finally decided to go to detox – it was either that or I was going to die homeless and alone.
On March 13th, my mother drove me to the Phoenix Dream Center. I didn’t know what to expect, but I knew this was where I had to be.
There have been many people here that support me. With all the help I’ve received, I’ve developed a true concern for the well-being of other people – a trait I never had while living on the streets.
I have begun to restore my relationship with my daughter, my mother, and my family. I have learned that true leadership means to serve others, that being held accountable is a good thing, and most importantly, that God is good all the time.
Additionally, I am now full-time staff, helping to oversee our satellite branches in Payson, AZ and Gallup, NM.
I am also teaching myself coding and web design in my spare time to be able to begin a career in the IT field when I’m ready to move on.
My probation officer visited me a month ago and told me that she had given up hope on me because of all the horrible choices I had made. BUT – because of the Phoenix Dream Center – she never has to see me incarcerated again.”
During Steven’s stay here at the Phoenix Dream Center, he was able to recover from addiction and build a solid foundation for his life. Not only that, he like many others here, began to dream again.
People like Steven are why the Phoenix Dream Center exists, we find a need and fill it, we find a hurt and heal it. If you would like to partner with us in any way feel free to call us at 602-346-8760 or get connected at https://phoenixdreamcenter.org/