“They need to eat.”

Do you remember the first time that you heard about COVID-19? Think about all that has changed in your life since that moment.

Would you ever have imagined being quarantined at home for weeks on end? Or pulling on a mask to visit the grocery store? Or losing your job with no prospects for the immediate future? Or even losing loved ones?

Imagine what life would be like right now if you were homeless … fighting addiction … or living in desperate poverty. Imagine looking at an empty pantry and a kitchen filled with hungry kids. Imagine the fear and hopelessness you’d feel.

My name is Brian Steele, and I’m the executive director of the Phoenix Dream Center.

Since 2006, we have been on the front lines doing all we can to share God’s love with those in desperate need in Phoenix and all across the Valley.

I believe that God purposefully placed the Phoenix Dream Center here—and provided caring friends like you—”for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). Together, we can step up to reach thousands of Arizona individuals and families who have been hit hard by COVID-19. 

For example, we’ve implemented new Drive-Thru Food and Prayer programs. Hungry families pull through our front drive, and we provide shopping bags filled with nutritious food and sanitation supplies. We’re providing over 17,000 meals a week!

I caught up with one van we’d just served, and I met the mom who was driving, along with all of her kids. She’s not able to work right now, her kids are at home, and she simply said, “They need to eat.”

Those five words broke my heart.

That’s why I need to ask for your help to continue this critical outreach. Very simply, we need your financial support. Right now.

Your gift of any amount matters, whether you’re able to give $5, $10 or more. Please, take a moment to give the best gift you can today.

Our community needs help more than ever before. We can’t forget the low-income families, the at-risk, and the homeless, because our lives are still so far away from normal. They desperately need food. They need supplies. But most of all, they need the love and healing of Jesus Christ.

Will you join me today?

Please, give the best gift you can right now. We’ll survive this tough time together, and we’ll make sure our neighbors do too.

Brian D. Steele

Executive Director, Phoenix Dream Center

YES, I want to help feed the hungry and share the love of Jesus in this difficult time!

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When you send your gift today, you’ll make sure that our COVID-19 efforts can provide much-needed food, supplies, and especially HOPE to our whole community. Thank you!