Become a virtual volunteer with the Phoenix Dream Center!
100% of our staff started as volunteers with the Phoenix Dream Center, including me!
Brian D. Steele
Executive Director
Rachel and her friends send encouraging notes to trafficking survivors who are healing
Interesting Right!
Connie makes blankets and gives them to the survivors who have newborn babies
So Amazing Right!
Jennifer led a group of students to change legislation for human trafficking survivors
You Can Do This!
Dr. Musharraf started an office donation drive helping dozens of trafficking survivors
Interesting Right!
Allison and her small group send gift packages to graduates of the trafficking recovery program
You Could Do This!
How to become a Virtual Volunteer
Fill Out The Virtual Volunteer Application Below
One volunteer told us they filled it out in 30 seconds, but we think it may take more like a couple minutes! This information just helps us to send you some exact match projects for your consideration.
Start Your Orientation Immediately Through Email
Your virtual orientation will start right away and will be sent to your email. We’re pretty fast at this, so you’ll get an email within 2 or 3 minutes. Be sure to check spam folder if you don’t see it right away.
Pick A Virtual Project And Change The World!
You’ll go on a “Choose Your Journey” email path where you select the areas of interest and type of virtual projects that might interest you. You can even choose how often you’d like us to send you new projects.